papers are filed, is it still adultery?

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New Member
ok, i'm dating someone in the military. actually we're engaged. before we even met, he had been married and had already separated. before we met, his wife met someone, and soon after we got together she became pregnant by her significant other...
our problem is that his soon to be ex wife is calling his naval command and stating that he is commiting adultery(even though hers could be considered more severe)and they told him if i did not move out, and we did not break up, they would move him back to the barracks, and charge HIM with adultery, wether he had filed his divorce papers or not. we really need to know if it illegal for him to be romantically involved with someone since he HAS filed his divorce papers, and, if we can find someone familiar with military law, if it is still considered adultery. our thing is that his command knows that his wife has been using the military health insurance that is provided for her b/c she is married to a servicemember, to recieve care for a child concieved outside of the marriage, and we discovered this b/c she actually posted that and a picture of her and her mate on her yahoo member profile...he even showed this to his command, and instead of trying to assist him in obtaining the resources he needs, they are using this against him...any real advice would be helpfull...thanks...
Yes it's illegal

It is adultry until the papers are finalized and you have the final decree of divorce. The military is very strict with its service members regarding their laws. They regard any information about the non-military member as gossip and the non-military member is not bound by military law away...only the service member is. The spouse is entitled to medical care until the divorce is finalized and then the military member has to have her removed as a dependent family member. Hopefully, she will turn over her military dependent ID card when the divorce is final, (may need the divorce court to order her to do so) so he can turn it in. He is living with you? He should move into the barracks until the divorce is final to avoid charges from the military. They could reduce his rank and take some money. If he has filed already then your separation shouldn't be too long. Keep your relationship under wraps...don't boast about your engagement and don't go to public places where it can be reported back to the command that you two were seen together. If you really love him you won't want him to jepordize his career and your future togother.
Figured as Much

yeah i figured...well he's been told today, that as long as they don't hear or see me, i don't i said, what i didnt understand was that why the USMC permits my soon to be ex husband to bring his new g/f to outings, unit functions, and so on, yet the navy is being like that...yeah i know about the medical thing, my husband tried to pull mine because he was told that since our papers were filed, that he could, and the mliitary medical group started laughing at do you find this stuff? because we(me and him) have looked everywhere, and also had a few friends in different branches looking, and we couldnt find anything whatsoever...
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