Only child left out of will

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New Member
If an adult child, (only child) is left out of a will or is left only $1.00 does that child have any right to contest the will? Thank you in advance for any advice.
They ALWAYS have the right to contest the will.

It is less clear that they will succeed. If the will meets the formal criteria for validity, the person would have to show they were improperly provided for. If they are an adult who provides for themself, that is pretty difficult to prove.
They ALWAYS have the right to contest the will.

It is less clear that they will succeed. If the will meets the formal criteria for validity, the person would have to show they were improperly provided for. If they are an adult who provides for themself, that is pretty difficult to prove.

If the child was abandoned by father at infancy and father dies 50 years later, can the grown up child claim inheritance from the estate?
It is very difficult to answer hypothetical questions.

A person generally doesn't have a "right" to any inheritance. People are allowed to dispose of their estate as they see fit, and can exclude children if there is no reason not to.

IF (and this is a big if) the parent has some duty to provide for the child, then the child could contest a will that doesn't adequately provide for them. Exactly what a child might be entitled to depends on the law of the jurisdiction and the facts of the case. I would suggest the child consult a local estates attorney.
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