Online harassment

  • Thread Starter Concerned Disabled Vet
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Concerned Disabled Vet

About me: I recently retired from the military after 22 years of service. The last 4 years I was away from my home in TX. As I moved back into my home, we made some significant modification costing several thousands of dollars. I requested permission for all modifications that required new structures (Roof, patio, solar panels, fence...). I did not ask permission to repaint the exterior of my home. I asked a few neighbors who had repainted their homes different colors and they said they did not have the HOA approval. I called the HOA and they said there was no set color scheme. Now, I did not ask to paint the house, nor did they tell me I needed permission when I told them I was going to paint. After the painting was done, 1 neighbor, who does not live on our street, nor can see our home from her property has raised a fuss. She has brought a few of her neighborhood friends in on this as well. This brings me to my case in question... On our community facebook page, the neighbor asked about where in the covenants I was in my rights to color my home yellow. Throughout the 40 comments (mostly hers) she mentions my home as an eyesore, that I did not follow procedure, and that my home was an embarrassment. This caused the other 2 neighbors to jump in and poke fun and post pictures ridiculing us and really embarrassing not only me, but my family as well. I do suffer from a major depressive disorder and the psychologist recommended to keep everything "cheery" as I transition into my new life. The street this woman lives on was not constructed when I left, there was a new builder that came into town. Nearly every home on that street in wonder she doesn't like my yellow house. The comments got worse and worse and more often. Now although this is hearsay... they also madea comment that I allowed our son to pick the color... this was a dig because I have an autistic child with mental retardation. How awful. The president of the HOA, his wife spilled the beans about us not asking permission and we would be notified to change our home back. When asking the HOA if this was ok, they said no, but there is no recourse action. The neighbor causing the most fuss then posted that she was aware we received our declination and the house must be repainted immediately. This is all on FB, for all residents to see. Our personal violations are not supposed to be public record. The only people that are supposed to see violations other than their own are board members. So I can only assume the president told his wife, who in turn posted on FB or share verbally with this woman. Is there anyway I can stop this harassment so I can live comfortable and enjoy my home? I appreciate any feedback I may receive.
Is there anyway I can stop this harassment so I can live comfortable and enjoy my home?

Yes, stay the hell off Facebook and ignore it. It'll die down soon enough when they find somebody else to pick on.

You're a 22 year veteran of the US Armed Forces. You ought to have learned that bullets kill you, words don't.

As for any actual consequence of painting your house without permission of the HOA board, read your CC&Rs. It'll be in there.
Actually, there are no consequences listed in the CCRs. I was told to submit a ACC request, which was done immediately, Right on the ACC request as well as in the CCRs it clearly says no action by the ACC within 30 days equals approval. Day 34 I get a notice saying it was declined on day 34 and to repaint.... can they really do this?
Actually, there are no consequences listed in the CCRs. I was told to submit a ACC request, which was done immediately, Right on the ACC request as well as in the CCRs it clearly says no action by the ACC within 30 days equals approval. Day 34 I get a notice saying it was declined on day 34 and to repaint.... can they really do this?

Yes, you just told us they disallowed/denied your request.

Again, read the CCRS and educate yourself about their RIGGED appeals process.

Your problem isn't the crooked HOA.

Your problem is buying a home that makes you a serf to the ALMIGHTY HOA.

The best solution is the one most people reject, sell your home (if you can), and buy a home in the unincorporated county.

Yes, unincorporated part of any county.

There you only answer to the real government and their criminal laws.
Actually, there are no consequences listed in the CCRs. I was told to submit a ACC request, which was done immediately, Right on the ACC request as well as in the CCRs it clearly says no action by the ACC within 30 days equals approval. Day 34 I get a notice saying it was declined on day 34 and to repaint.... can they really do this?

Best you can do right now is respond in writing quoting the section of the CC&Rs with the 30 day means approval thing and that you will not repaint because their failure to respond within 30 days meant approval per the CC&Rs.

See how that goes and report back.