hello I have been on the run from california state parole for 2 years now. Not knowing all the new rules of parole and being a violent felon on the run has left me at a loss. I want to get this parole out of the way! How much time am I looking at if I turn myself in? This would be my 4th violation for absconding. The last one I got 180 days in county with half time. So, I guess I askin how much time am I really looking at?
Good for you, welcome back.
Psst, come closer, don't want them other nosy people to know about this.
Seriously, just a little humor to lighten the mood on a tough topic.
Okay, a little background.
Your state only extradites absconders with extremely serious charges on their records.
Now, there are always exceptions, but here are soem recent example:
Your state, California has financial issues.
So, that will help you in clearing this stuff up.
You were out for two years, kept your nose clean (or were smart enough NOT to get caught), same thing, all the better for you.
I suggest you report to the nearest (or one of your choice) state prison facility.
You could turn yourself into a county jail.
If you do, choose wisely.
Some aren't that nice, others are more bearable.
Okay, here's some good news.
The decision is made at the time an absconder turns himself or herself into a parole agent, whether he will be confined or allowed to remain FREE.
You'll get points for turning yourself in to the PA.
So, that's another option, return to your old PA's office or any nearby Parole Office.
I suppose they want to know that you PROMISE not to disappear again, stay out of trouble, be a good lad, show remorse, and be contrite.
Whatever you do, read this information.
Its a copy of the agent's field manual.
Man, ain't the internet great?
As a lawyer, had I not gone to law school, I might have been tempted to try my hand at, LOL, just a joke.
An absconder [parolee or releasee-at-large (PAL or RAL)] not involved in behavior or criminality which must be reported to the NAEA, and who reports to a
parole unit voluntarily, need not necessarily be placed in custody, nor must a W&I 3151 hold be filed. The Parole Agent will review the case with the unit
supervisor to determine whether to place a hold. Reasons for the decision will be documented on a full Violation Report to be submitted to the NAEA within fifteen (15) days.
Bottom line, you'll get points for coming back on your own, being a good citizen while you were away, points for being apologetic, being remorseful, asking for help if you have alcohol or illegal substance issues, anger management problems, and want to become a good citizen.
California is broke, and they won't spend lots of money to hunt absconders down and pay for them to be returned to Cali.
Cali's jails are over crowded, so they often catch and release.
Okay, I'm guessing if you get any confinement time, it'll be around 45-60 days.
In fact, you might get a halfway house or even work release.
You won't go to the Big House to do that.
So, select your County jail Hotel carefully.