Odd situation w/ tenant

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New Member
My situation is odd and I'm not sure where I go from here. I rent to a friend and she is has broke up her live in boyfriend and wants him out by the first of June. He is not on the lease and I am hoping for some help in what I can do legally to have him evicted should he not leave when he has agreed to. Any direction will be truely appreciated.
If he is not on the lease then she needs to simply tell him he needs to be out by June 1st. On the lease or not generally 30 days is sufficient. Some states require you file an actual eviction in court. She might want to read up on her state's landlord/tenant laws.
Thanks for the advice, I went and got an eviction pac from my county and served him with a 15 day notice to leave because he has now vandalized some of my property. Do I wait to see if he leaves when he's suposed to or if he gets out of control again can I just call the police and have him removed.
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