Not sure how to proceed??

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New Member
Jurisdiction- Ga

First off I'm the father of a now 3yr old and was awarded custody of my son in my divorce when he was 9months old. I was awarded Child Support and agreed to letting her pay less than the state requirement because I had no proof her , my Ex, other 2 children (from other fathers) where actually in the care of and being raised by someone else at the time of our divorce, she is suppose to pay only $50 a month ( I know I was shooting myself in the foot on the amount but she seemed like she was going to at least take the visitation times when ever she could). Since the divorce, Nov. 06, she has not paid any child support what so ever and to date maybe see's my son once ever 4-6 weeks.

My question is how do I go about getting the court order enforced, I have tried all the local C.S. agencies and they have given me the run around ( I am starting to feel it has to do with the fact I'm the father and they are not use to dealing with this situation) and sending me to web sites for third parties to get involved and all I really want is for he r to take the responsibility of being his mother financially.
Also with her consistently missing weeks at a time with no contact with me or my son for visitation is there any way I can have here rights reduced or such?
As a NCP she has the option of not using her visitation so not sure what trying to reduce her rights would do since she doesn't see the chold often anywys. No court is going to take away her rights out of spite.

Honestly, you should put in for an increase in child support and continually pressure the AG's office to do something about her lack of support. She should be paying CS along state guidelines which should be more than $50/month. Does she pay support for her other 2 kids? I feel sorry for the kid here. Why did you have a baby with her if she already had 2 kids from 2 different dad's and the kids were not even in her care? You choose a deadbeat for a mom this is what happens.
Honestly, you should put in for an increase in child support and continually pressure the AG's office to do something about her lack of support. She should be paying CS along state guidelines which should be more than $50/month. Does she pay support for her other 2 kids? I feel sorry for the kid here. Why did you have a baby with her if she already had 2 kids from 2 different dad's and the kids were not even in her care? You choose a deadbeat for a mom this is what happens.

At the time she and I were married she had both of her older children living with her it wasn't till we divorced that they lived with someone else. It was that reason when we were in court that she said they were being raised by her and living with her that I was willing to drop the amount below the norm.

As to her rights that a different matter all together I know I would be hard pressed to make it happen and don't even think of trying that legal nightmare route.
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