Nosey Neighbor


New Member
Hi i was curious if my neihbor standing on her porch with a handheld camcorder, video taping everytime i have a guest come over considered harrastment. I gues the last people that lived here were drug dealers . So she has accused me of the same thing. Any time i have company she writes their license plate number down and video tapes. Now im not doing anything wrong so I'm not worried about any of that. However it makes me and my company very uncomfortable when she recordes us we do not understand why she is recording us and what she is going to use the recordings for it is obvious that she is recording us because she points it right at us. Is this considered harassment? Also my guest don't come over at crazy times of day or night they always come during the 9 to 9 time frame. 9 a.m. 9 p.m. in between those times is when I have company. She did one time come up to me and accuse me of being a drug dealer which I informed her that I was not she did not seem like she believed me. So she has been writing down plates I've caught her many times and recording my gas making them very uncomfortable I run a business out of my home and it has scared many of my clients away as they do not understand why my neighbor would be videoing them they feel uncomfortable and don't want my services that don't want to come to my house and fear of getting videotaped for no reason. Please let me know what I can do. I was thinking about writing a letter to her but was nervous that that might not be the best idea.
If people annoy you, it is best to IGNORE those people.
If people harm you or your property, it is best to call the police.

As far as recording you when you are in the public eye, trying to prohibit such activity is pointless.


You can't legally stop a person from looking at you, just as you can't stop anyone from videoing you, or taking your picture with a camera.
Is it legal under city law/zoning or HOA covenants to run a business out of your home? If so, you have nothing to worry about if your business is aboveboard and legal. And honestly there are cameras everywhere these days. Your customers need to understand they're being taped all sorts of places. Honestly I wouldn't even discuss it with them or notify them it's happening. Because you're not the one doing it
i was curious if my neihbor standing on her porch with a handheld camcorder, video taping everytime i have a guest come over considered harrastment.

It isn't. As long as she is recording from a place where she has a legal right to be, she is free to record or photograph anything she can see from that place.

we do not understand why she is recording us and what she is going to use the recordings for

Have you considered talking to her about this?

I've caught her many times and recording my gas

Recording your gas? Huh?

Please let me know what I can do.

You could move.