No way out

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New Member
I am in the midst of a custody dispute and am having to deal with an incompetent evaluator. The evaluator stipulated to do the case in Jan., after not responding to atty's letters for 2 months she sends letter saying she has back problems and we need to get a continuance so she can finish (what she hadn't started yet) the evaluations. She cut my 1st session short cuz her back hurt & rescheduled it to next appt, cancelled the second appt, (after I took off work & traveled over 300 miles), she rescheduled for the next day, but then had plumbing problems, made me wait 3 1/2 hours and cancelled the rest of the session & also cancelled out on my husband's session who had just taken off work & flown in for his appt. with her. My atty says I'm better off just finishing with her because of time issues and that by the time he tried to get her removed & got a new evaluator half the summer would be over and my child would have to start school making another issue of when is a good time to move a child. This is like a soap opera, but tragically true. How are people like this allowed to exist? Any suggestions?
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