No Legal Questions Here Please!

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Michael Wechsler

Staff member
This section is for GENERAL chat, introductions of yourself, your firm, your company, your band, etc. This is NOT a place to post a legal question -- that is why we have so many different sections with specialized legal topics to place your post. :)

Note - people who have expertise in certain legal areas will primarily find posts to answer in their respective sections of expertise. So if you have a divorce question, posting it here probably won't get answered because it won't be seen by a divorce expert. The Divorce section will probably get better results since that is where those experts are. :)

Additionally, please do NOT double post! All this does is make it difficult for administrators to clean up empty threads that you've started. As said before, people who know about your subject matter will probably be looking in sections on that particular topic.

Thanks for helping us make the forums a great place to be!
Hello everyone - my name is Malcolm (Mal for short). I live in Kentucky. I'm currently about to attend my first year of law school. So I'm trying to find as many forums as possible to get answers for my tests. I figure it doesn't hurt to talk to professionals and maybe other students like myself on a regular basis and get an idea of just what the heck I'm getting myself into! lol

I like to run, play basketball, collect records, and I'm an avid Star Trek fan - but I resent the title "Trekkie"! j/k Um... I guess that's all there is to know about me. I wanted to be a police detective or an FBI agent when I first enrolled in college, but joined the debate team, and grew more interested in rhetorics than crime enforcement. Go figure. :rolleyes:

Anyway, look forward to talking to you all!

Why cant i post??

I had some questions i needed answered, i posted two different times and still nothing.i dont even see my post. now what??thank-you.
I had some questions i needed answered, i posted two different times and still nothing.i dont even see my post. now what??thank-you.

Yes, your post got caught in our spam filter. It happens with new posters (anyone with less than 5 posts) since users try to send spam here with links to all kinds of horrible things you can probably imagine. Take a look now and thanks for your patience.
I posted something again, 2 days ago... thats 3 posts and nothing.must have gotten caught in your spam filter again..
Wow Mike I have been busy not much time to post. This web site sure has gotten more elaborate than when I was here sometime ago. Glad to see some old bud's whats up Cw java,Jacks gal ? I must admit you have put a lot of time,and effort in to the site. GOOD WORK.
Looks like they are handing out medals now. That an interesting twist. Sorry it took so long to reply but I forgot to check the box.
Looks like they are handing out medals now. That an interesting twist. Sorry it took so long to reply but I forgot to check the box.
No worries... and if you act *really* good, perhaps you'll even get a medal! :D Good to see ya...
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