Nevada Child Support Modification

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My fiance and I currently live in California but his divorce and child custody case took place in Nevada. Now his ex has moved to Louisianna but the custody case will remain in Nevada courts. The distance from his son has been too much on my fiance so we have decided to relocate to Texas to be closer however, he would have to leave a very good paying job here in California and would more then likely take a dramatic paycut since his industry is not thriving in Texas as it is here. Would he qualify for a child support modification even though he left his job voluntarily since he is doing so not to maliciously get the support lowered but instead to be closer to his son? I have heard horror stories of judges refusing to lower child support since the higher paying job was left voluntarily but in this case, it would not be to deny the mother anything, instead to benefit the child. At the amount he pays right now, compared to the average pay he would be looking at in Texas, he would be paying about 40% of his income if the judge decided to deny him a lower payment.
Is mom the one that moved? If so did he take her bck to court to ask for mom to do some of the transportation to visits? She should be doing some or all of it since she moved but did your fianee ever take mom back to court to work out transportation issues?
Actually we moved from Nevada to California first, then 2 years later, she moved from Nevada to Louisianna. They went back to court to modify the visitation but apparently since we had moved out of state first, the judge ordered that we pay for all travel arrangements from Louisianna to California and back even though the cost for travel now greatly increased from what we were paying between California and Nevada trips. So if we were able to move closer to him, he would see his son more since it costs about 400$ in airfare each trip and limits his visits. But we are worried that if we do move closer and take a pay cut like that, that we will still suffer if the CS isnt lowered to match his income. I know that they do usually lower the CS if the non-custodial parent is fired from their job, but this would be a voluntary change so we are concerned that the judge would penalize him for it.
It is really hard to say. You might want to talk this over with an attorney.
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