Neighbors reported domestic violence, but no charges were filed



Last night, my boyfriend and I had been drinking quite a bit and got into a petty argument. We were fighting with each other on the walk home from the bar. Because I was intoxicated, I tripped/fell a lot, but I was mad at him, so I didn't want his help, and I was repeatedly yelling at him not to touch me when he would try to help me up or anything like that. He didn't hurt me or anything, I was just being stubborn and drunk, and he was trying to help. I'm pretty sure this is the interaction that caused one of our neighbors to worry.

We didn't realize that some of our neighbors saw this interaction and called the cops. Two officers showed up at our door and told us someone had called in a domestic disturbance at our address. We were all confused... we told them that we were fighting (verbally), but nothing physical happened. They said that the call that came in had said that he was kicking me? We again told them that that didn't happen, we were arguing, but no one was hurt, or being abused.

They spoke with both of us separately (as well as our two friends who were with us for the whole thing). Everyone told them there was no domestic violence and everything was fine, they took down our names and left. I don't know if they believed us or not, so I'm not sure exactly what the report would entail. I was drunk, and they clearly thought I was hiding something.

My question is, can this incident report affect us negatively in the future? No charges were made, no arrests, but obviously they wrote a report. Will this show up on any future background check on both of us? Could we have trouble renting an apartment in the future? Do we need to disclose this to future employers or anything? Is there anything we can do to get the report to not show up on our records?

Thank you for any advice!
My question is, can this incident report affect us negatively in the future? No charges were made, no arrests, but obviously they wrote a report. Will this show up on any future background check on both of us? Could we have trouble renting an apartment in the future? Do we need to disclose this to future employers or anything? Is there anything we can do to get the report to not show up on our records?

As ubiquitous as the internet is, there is always a possibility (even remote) that this incident can come to light in a variety of ways at the most inconvenient time and there won't be anything you can do to stop it. That's the worst case scenario. Best case - nobody will every know.

But if you want to avoid this kind of thing in the future, I suggest you quit drinking.

And if you can't stop fighting with your boyfriend, get a new boyfriend.
The police dept. will probably keep a record of the incident in their own internal records & there is always a "possibility" in some cases that it will come to light.
I don't think that the following incident can hamper your life. But you need to be careful from future point of view, as any small incident in personal life can trigger the issue again. It is important to take positive steps in life, in case of confusion you can always take help of a legal counselor.
As you describe the situation, there is a good chance that there was no report generated. Regardless, it is not something you have to disclose to anyone. There were no arrests, and apparently no crime.