Neighbor Hates Us for doing them good.

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New Member
Every time we see our neighbor pass by our house in her car, we get flipped-off, as she screches by. :dgrin
A few days later, as my wife goes to get the mail, she is verbally attack, and threatened with assult with a garden hose, while she was on the sidewalk just going to get our bills/mail.:confused:
In fear of this abusive female, she calls me, and I said call the police and report it. Almost 5 hours later the officer finally shows, and tells us, accidentally, that they already filed a report against my wife!
He promises to talk to said female and advise her to leave us alone.
About a week goes by and the neighbor accross the street comes over and accuses my home-school 12yr old daughter of peeking in her front window on a regular basis! My daughter is anti-outside. Never has gone outside on her own, and extremely anti-dirt. Would never walk in in to get to the neigbors windows, clean paranoid!
After responding with humble replies of how ridiculas the accusation was, would not tell who accused.
1 week later... Today an officer came to my door, and accused my wife of child neglect- no water, food, school, from a social workers call! :eek:

BACKGROUND STORY = = = = = = =

We moved to our 'dream home' 1 yr ago. We eagerly took the first opertunity to meet and greet with reserved friendliness, the house on each side, and the 3 oposing across the street.
The 1st to move in was a divorced mom w/2 young adult daughters, who worked for the builder that developed the neighborhood.
We took care to smile and always be very curteous, as is our nature, as the mailboxes are by thier house. We never knew that they were only renting the house, so when we had the opertunity, we offered them a very special item the girls excitedly wanted. A nearly new DLP 50in projection TV, complete w/ surround sound system and delux wood cabinette stand, that we came into possesion of due to my wife's mother passing. (It was only 2yrs old, and bougth for $3800.) We offered it to them for $1000, as their 27in. was failing. They excitedly agreed but would have to wait a few months to save up.
After feeling more of a desire to help than to profit, we came back to them and dropped to $450.
A week later they came to us excited to buy if we would still sell, and we were glad to see they could get it. (We had considered giving the unit to them Free, but wanted some one who apprieciated it.)
The next day I met them at mother-in-laws old mobile, and showed how to work it, gave them several DVD and VHS movies, and was promised a cash payment in about an hour, as she had to go pick it up from the friend who promised to loan it to them. OK, be a good neighbor, trust her. OOPS!
She got home about 2hrs later, changed cars and left. ?Money?
An hour later, my wife went over to ask if we could call her cell and find out when she was comming over wth the money. Was she going to pay as promised or what? Ok, wee'll get together tomorrow, as the kids needed to get to bed, and we didn't want to have her show up at all hours of the night and wake the kids.
This incited the older adult daughter and she became bilegerent and hostile toward my wife at that point. she refused to help, would not give the mother's cell number, etc. my wife gave-in and returned home.
Minutes later, that same daughter pounded on our door, and began an arrogant verbal attack to my wife and said the money would be here in an hour or so, and it was, and the same girl brought it over, quickly, hostelly and stormed-off, spouting that her mom was not a theif, which she was never accused of being.
Next day I went to the mailbox, caught the mother out by her car, and tried to get some sense of the actions of her daughter. Polite as I could be, no use, mother shood by rude daughter, no reasonable excuse for not paying in the time promised, accused us of just being paranoid, no appologies or politeness extended for daughters aggressive behavior.
Now the attacks begin. This is so ridiculas, maybe the mother did intend to steal from us and is responding out of guilt. I can't go over there and yell or threaten them because they are all female, and it would be a case for them to accuse me of harassing them. We are furious, and my wife is fearfull of what is next.
Any thing we can do to help beyond a worthless restraining order?

I had a similar problem like yours with harassment from a neighbor. They called police to file reports after reportsfor no reason. I simply put in a security system consisting of cameras outside the home to prove me and family were being harassed. You can get an inexpensive security cameras at places like staples or circuit city and they are really easy to install.
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