Neighbor Harassment


New Member
Hello, I am currently having issues with my male neighbor harassing myself, pets, and anyone that steps foot on my property. Within the last week I have gone to the police twice because of his behavior and I had to get security cameras because he was leaving feces on my front door step. In addition to this he has a ladder that he uses to view my property and it has a direct view of the window in my shower. I have caught him looking in my windows and through my back door after I have gotten out of the shower. He has made it so I don't even want to be at my home and at this point I do not know what to do nor do I currently have the funds to move. When I am home he will scream my name through open windows or my backdoor. I purchased a pool this summer and I could not even use it because he would watch me through the fence. I was granted a restraining order against him today but I am still not sure if it will help.
Keep your windows covered with curtains, blinds, or drapes.
That keeps prying eyes from peeping and also deters burglars from breaking and entering because he/she spied that neat 144 inch, $25,000 flat panel.

You might also wish to consider installing an alarm system.
You might want to keep your windows & doors closed & put curtains or blinds on all windows. (for safety reasons also)