Need legal seperation - 5 mo. old child involved

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New Member
My daughter is having problems with her husband. He is a habitual liar and it is not just about little things. He lied and told her his father was dead and neglected to tell her he was married prior and other lies even when she catches him in the lie. She told him that the lying has to stop and that she wants them to go to counceling together. He refuses to go - she then stated that she felt then needed to be seperated becaus she cannot live with someone she doesn't trust. He then proceded to tell her that they could go to the court house on Tuesday ( today is Sunday) and file papers but she was not taking his son. Part of the problem is that he moved her to kentucky and all of her family lives in Kansas. - She would like for things to work out but he refuses to try. She wants to come home.
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