Need advice received citation for failure to maintain lane after car accident no Personal injury



Should I pleaded guilty or nolo?
While driving from tn to ga we met with a car accident on freeway. I was driving at 72/75 and the truck driving in the next lane swiveled in my lane and it's back hit the rear passenger side of my car and my husband was sitting on the passenger side of the car screamed watch out and moved the steering on the other side taking us off road completely and our car was damaged on the passenger side both doors and trunk. We tried explaining the officer how it started and he thought we panicked and gave us a ticket for failure to maintain the lane. No personal injuries were there. We have a court date in few days what do i do? I don't want it on my records possibly impacting my insurance.
In order to get that citation there likely were witness statements that you crossed into the other lane and initiated contact. Were there any third party witnesses?
If not, I'd say plead not guilty and make the officer prove in court that you did something wrong.
Should I pleaded guilty or nolo?
While driving from tn to ga we met with a car accident on freeway. I was driving at 72/75 and the truck driving in the next lane swiveled in my lane and it's back hit the rear passenger side of my car and my husband was sitting on the passenger side of the car screamed watch out and moved the steering on the other side taking us off road completely and our car was damaged on the passenger side both doors and trunk. We tried explaining the officer how it started and he thought we panicked and gave us a ticket for failure to maintain the lane. No personal injuries were there. We have a court date in few days what do i do? I don't want it on my records possibly impacting my insurance.

Does GA offer traffic school, or deferred adjudication?

If you can get either one, take it.
Bot, if allowed, will cleanse the stain off your record.