Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Need advice on shoplifting charge

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I am so confused about what to do. A few days ago i got caught shoplifting from a reatil store. the item cost $49.00 the LP person followed me out the store and mall to my car, she came to my face and i asked her if she needed anything, i had no idea she worked as an LP for the store i just thought she was a random weird lady. As we were walking out she asked me if i ever did anything bad and i said no, she held out the tag of the shirt i stole that i riped off and asked me what this was i denied that i knew what it was and keep walking, i got to my car and she waited there and i saw her on her walkie-talkie, i didnt want to make things worse so i came out and confessed to her. She escorted me back to the office and told me to pull out the items there was another guy was there getting the paperwork together, and after the took the shirt out she put handcuffs on me and said i was on citizen's arrest. After they took my info and took pictures of me, they made me sign a cival demand paper and one that states that i was not allowed in that mall for one year. i waited for an hour for the mall police to come and get me. They also left the handcuffs on me and took me down to the police station located in the mall. I have no prior criminal history and i am 21 years old in college, As the police took me to their staion i was still in handcuffs i asked if i was being arrested they said they would have to look up my history if i have no previous convictions/arrest i would just go home with a citation. But when they took me to the police office they took a picture of me, my info and fingerprinted me was i being "booked" so does that count as an arrest? Also The item i stole was $49.00 what do you think is the maxium charges i will be fine with, knowing that this is my 1st offense, can i be arrested again at my court date, i cant afford a lawyer, can i ask the judge if i could do more community service instead, what about a diversion program, i live in the state of california, what other ways can i get this off my record, what should i expect when i go to court, what are my chances of getting a good deal without a lawyer, how much might my civail demand be? sorry for this being so long, i just so many questions and i am really afriad. I know i am gulity, they caught me with the items, should i plead gulity and that is it the jduge will not listen to my side, or what should i do, will he let me explain or let me have a say in things, im so scared that i might go to jail, do you think my fine will be over $500. oh yeah i know this is a misdemeanor and it will be on my record for life, is there a way in the future to get it removed, if this is on my record, will it show that i was arrested, that is if i really was, or will it just show up as a misdemenor. help me pls. thanx any advice i would apprieciate it.
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I'm coming by this a bit late, so your charge is probably resolved. But if you still need help, post the state where this occurred so we can look up the right law.
m in a similar situation, tho the charge was retail theft. i too want to remove my name fromt he records. tho i was told it didnt account for misdemanor or felony or any offense or crime. value of stolen articles was less than $20 and i paid fine of 360$ which was the maximum fine since i cudnt afford a lawyer and i was too scared at that time. i m a foreign national, thisis my first ever problem with the law. i have never gotten into anyprob in my country. this happened in WI. i m worried abt this affecting my return to USA and my stay there on visitors visa and further will it affect my job seeking / j1 or h1 b visa process. please help, i cannot handle this stress anymore..i m dying with all this stress..please please help...thanks!
My friend from IOWA stealed goods worth $175 from a store. He arrested and release with bond and apear to court in 10 days. What will be max punishment for this crime. Will it requires to hire a lawyer ? How much fee, I need to pay ?
I am not us citizen...
Thanks a lot....
Yes you would need a lawyer. Not familiar with Iowa law but 175$ theft should be a misdemeanor. The price of a lawyer varies depending on if it goes to trial or not, the caliber and reputation of the lawyer, and many other factors. It could range from 800$ (if you take a plea) to 4000$ depending on the lawyers reputation. On average 1500$ for a misdemeanor. Given you are not a citizen; it could affect your statues if it does not fall within the "petty theft exception". It could make you deportable.
Forgot the last part.....misdemeanor sentencing for first time offenders is usual probation, fine (less than 2000$),,,, again that price would depend on the class of the crime. But No jail time. Generally if there is any jail time(in almost all states) , the max sentence is usually about a year if there are no other aggravating circumstances. You could also get a public defender if you can't afford one. If you are not a legal permanent resident and try to get a public defender, immigration could put a hold on you and keep you in jail till your trial. But if you don't seek one, they would not care.
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