Need advice on internet purchase please

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New Member
i bought an item from a seller on ebay, i paid with moneyorder, i never received the item, they claimed it was shipped but no tracking number, is there anyway legally i can get my money back since i paid with moneyorder? it has been over a month now and no item i purchased, the seller is in a different state iam in georgia? will a lawyer help me out or police? can i take this person to court?
I am very sorry to hear about your problem. How much money is involved? My guess is you'll never see the money again. I cannot say it enough times - NEVER pay eBay sellers via money order or moneygram. It is used because it is cash sent and little to no recourse and hard to trace.

Did you file a complaint with eBay? That is your first step although they cannot help you. A lawyer will not take your case unless you pay in advance or the amount taken is high enough to warrant a contingency fee is worthwhile. After all, what attorney will work for several days for a small chance at recovering a small amount of money?

If you go to court, it will be challenging and costly. You may want to report this to the police but they won't magically recover your money, which is probably long spent.
If you do go to court it would have to be wherever the seller is at.
If you make a police report it will probably just get buried. Your local agency will only forward it to the agency where the seller is located, and it will still be a very low priority. The police will most likely encourage you to seek a resolution in court.

You should certainly make the ebay complaint if you have not already. You should consider using Paypal as well... they are very good about reversing transactions in this sort of situation.
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