Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication My MIP summons help

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New Member
I went to this party a few months back. I was not drinking, But some one took a video of me telling some of my friends to get out of the bathroom and to go into a different room. In this video there were four people 3 men 1 women. in the video the girl states that she is really drunk. There is no alcohol in the video at all.. later some one got this video and turned it into the police and i received a court summons for a MIP. I would just like to know what my options are. Thanks a bunch to every one who help. (I am an 18 year old white male.)
Make no statements to anyone.
Plead not guilty and ask the court for time to hire an attorney.
If you can't afford an attorney, ask the court to appoint one for you.
Again, speak to no one about this matter.

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Don't sweat it. This will go away. Show up to court as you are ordered to. It sounds like there is no evidence that shows you were in possession or were consuming alcohol. A court appointed attorney should be sufficient.
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