My Daughter Was Molested

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New Member
This all happened 5 years ago in Dallas County, Texas. The trial still hasn't been set, but this past Friday a ADA from Dallas called me and asked if me and my daughter could come to his office in a week for an interview.

Let me give a quick history on the case:

This all happened when my daughter was on summer visitation wife my ex-wife. After this came to light and the man was arrested, he also told police that my daughter was left there for 10 days at a time by my ex-wife, with her not coming to see her even once. And this guy was also "a friend of the family", so my ex-wife said. Some friend.

Now after this happened to my daughter, she was in councelling for over 2 years. Since so much time has passed and she seems to be doing better, I don't want her to have to go through all the details of this again.

My question is, do I have to take her to this interview?

And if there is ever a trial, do I have to put her through this mess again?

Any help on this would be great!
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