My boss lies to clients and literally cheats them out of money.


New Member
I recently discovered my boss (and owner of the company) is lying to our customers, charging them more money and promising certain services that we are not delivering. He is also using tons of incorrect data in his bids to prospective clients that state we offer 24 hour phone service, a toll free number, employee health benefits, etc. etc. All are blatant lies. If I bring any of these topics to his attention, I will likely be fired, and being nearly 60 years old that is not a safe option. I have tried looking for other jobs for over a year. I have been at his company for 2 years. I don't know what to do but it is becoming intolerable to work for this man knowing he is lying to the very clients I deal with regularly in my capacity as Office Manager. Do I have any legal recourse to secure my income if I call his bluff and he terminates me?
If you are hoping to rely on whistleblower laws to protect you, PLEASE consult with an attorney first. You haven't given us enough to say if they definitely do or don't, but whistleblower protection laws tend to be written very narrowly. They do not protect anywhere near as much as many people have found, to their sorrow, that they thought. In most cases, and in most states, they only protect reports to the appropriate regulatory agencies. With a very few exceptions (sexual harassment or discrimination being among the exceptions) they do not protect you from internal reports.

You should also consider that EVEN IF it should be determined that he cannot fire you for raising the issue, there are a lot of legal things he can do to make life uncomfortable for you.