My 12 yr old daughter almost died, my X married her divorce attorney

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I'll try to keep this as brief as possible: On June 20th my 12 yr daughter was found in the park at 12:am with a blood alcohol of .35 and body temp of 82. She spent 3 days intubated, 3 days in ICU and 7 days in a mental hospital on a 5150 hold. She had taken of bottle of Ketel One vodka from her mom and step-dad's fridge and met up with some boys she had been chatting with on myspace.

She is now okay and doing very well. To put it in perspective, they are very well-off, live in a posh neighborhood, and my daughter was always great in school. I live two hours north of their town.

My ex had a sexual relationship with her divorce attorney while we were negotiating a financial matter; his boss found out, and two weeks later he was no longer a partner in a prestigious law firm.

Since 2003, I have been trying to get majority custody of my kids. But I don't have the resources to fight him. I informed the Judge before my daughter's alcohol incident in a separate matter that something bad was brewing at home, especially with her myspace profile and asked the Judge to order it removed. He declined. And here's more sad news...and very strange. Last week 9/2/06 my ex-wife's husband called MY Mother, crying uncontrollably, saying that his wife is a liar, manipulator, hit him on the head with a coffe cup, took all his money, lied about taking down my daughter's myspace, and that everything I had said about her for the past three years is true. He said they were getting a divorce and it would be messy.

I have a mediation date set-up in two months (takes that long in Ventura County). I want to call him as a witness. Is this possible? Also, he and I exchange very tense e-mails almost everyday, because I think he know's he screwed up. Any thoughts would be great. D
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