MTVs True Life, is casting unhappily married couples.

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New Member
MTV's documentary series, "True Life," is casting young couples who are considering ending their marriage.
Is your marriage on the rocks? Have you and your spouse become incompatible since saying, "I do"? Do you feel like you are sharing a life with someone you don't even know anymore? Do you feel like you married too young, and have now grown apart? Has your spouse done something so unforgivable that your marriage can't be saved? Is your marriage taking an emotional toll on your home, work, social life, or kids? Are you struggling to keep your marriage together, or ready to give up on it completely? Are you considering moving out, getting separated, or getting divorced?
If marital issues are affecting your life right now, MTV wants to hear from you.
If you appear to be between the ages of 18 and 28 email us at with all the details. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a current photo, if possible.
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