Moving out at 17?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Texas

I have read several conflicting information on whether it is against the law for a 17 year-old to move out of the house.

I'm about to turn 17. I've graduated high school. I'm looking for a job and car,and plan on starting college in 2010, and once I have these things, I possibly have a place to move in with.

I was wondering in the state of Texas, do I need my dad's permission, or as long as I have such above, and I provide him with the information of where I'm staying, can I legally move out?

please contact me at if you have any information.
The legal age to move out without permission is 18.

Texas has a reputation, due to a poorly worded law, of not being very pro-active about requiring a 17 year old to return home if they are safe and their parents know where they are. That doesn't mean that it is LEGAL for you to move out at 17. If your dad pushes hard enough, you can be forced to return home until your 18th birthday.

On the other hand, if your dad gives you permission to move out, that's all you need.
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