My jurisdiction is: Santa Barbara, CA
I was convicted of felony embezzlement(grand theft), but had it reduced to a misdemeanor. I served 54 days of house arrest and put on probation for 3 years. I have served 14 months of this probation, paid all fees and restitution, and am currently on unsupervised probation. This is my current situation, and I am looking to terminate the remainder of my probation to join the military.
The first step according to the court clerk, was filing a motion of early probation termination. How do I exactly file this motion? I don't have much legal knowledge/experience and I am aware hiring a lawyer would make this exponentially easier, but I am lacking in funds and would rather do this with no representation if possible.
What goes into filing this type of motion? How do I do it without a lawyers help? Any help will be much appreciated.
Other facts:
Currently 22
No job/Not in school at the moment
HS graduate/3 years of college
No form of income
Convicted of public intoxication before this happened (infraction/1 year license suspension)
I was convicted of felony embezzlement(grand theft), but had it reduced to a misdemeanor. I served 54 days of house arrest and put on probation for 3 years. I have served 14 months of this probation, paid all fees and restitution, and am currently on unsupervised probation. This is my current situation, and I am looking to terminate the remainder of my probation to join the military.
The first step according to the court clerk, was filing a motion of early probation termination. How do I exactly file this motion? I don't have much legal knowledge/experience and I am aware hiring a lawyer would make this exponentially easier, but I am lacking in funds and would rather do this with no representation if possible.
What goes into filing this type of motion? How do I do it without a lawyers help? Any help will be much appreciated.
Other facts:
Currently 22
No job/Not in school at the moment
HS graduate/3 years of college
No form of income
Convicted of public intoxication before this happened (infraction/1 year license suspension)