Mother passed away and now raising my brother

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New Member
My mom passed away July 23rd. and my brother decided to come live with me. I'm trying my best to be some sort of parental guide without coming off as trying to take the place of our mom. The problem I'm having is that I have no clue where to start trying to get custody of him so I can be his legal guardien. I have been told that I would have to hire a lawyer but I can't afford a lawyer and I can't get legal aid because it would have to deal with some kind of abuse. We live in Alabama and I don't know where to turn to get help with this. I need legal papers for proof for his school that I'm his legal guardien. Help Please!!!!!!!:confused:

By the way he is 16.
How old are you, where is dad, the custody probably automatically went to dad, unless your mom had a will

You can't pass human beings via wills anymore (since slavery has been abolished).

But we do need to know where dad is.
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