money order scam

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I received an email not long ago from work at home from so called homewiz USA and I did not agree to anything I just asked for information the next thing I know I get two postal money orders worst 960 each. . was told to cash them and take out my part of commission and mail the rest to some address in the Philippines... now I know this is a scam and I know the money orders are real... would I get into trouble to cash them. and just keep the money... seems to me they wouldn't want to get their tails in trouble trying to get me in trouble for cashing them.. as bad as I need that money right now it is so tempting... where do money orders go after they are cashed I mean are they paid for already... it's not like a check that will bounce...
Do not do anything with those money orders but shred them and put them in the trash. Because when they turn out to be fakes, you will be the one holding the bag.
They likely are not valid money orders.
The scam is that you get money on a bogus check and send it away then take responsibility when it bounces.
ThaT's whaT I inTended To do buT from whaT I researched everyThing on iT is legiT to tell if they are fake.... I mean it has all the things I researched to look for to tell if its a real one or a fake one...buT I could find ouT from The posT office if They are for real or noT i guess..... my worry is if they are real could I get in trouble because there is no company name on it and is made out to me and some bogus name fRom the sender..... the next step I was supposed to do is cash them and buy a MoneyGram and send it to the remaining Philippines... but I guess they got a way of getting around it too so that I could get in trouble I don't know.... too good to be true... we just had our vehicle breakdown with nobody to help us and get to work so I got desperate and didn't know what to do... it's sad that people can play you like that the ones that are desperate...
There are some very real-looking counterfeit money orders (and cashier's checks, as well) out there these days. This is why most banks will not cash a money order for non-customers and if you took it to a bank where you were a customer, they would want to make sure you had enough money in your account to cover the money orders if they come back as counterfeits. That is what will happen, and when it does, you'll be the one held responsible. You say "it is not like a check that will bounce" but it has to clear through the banking system if you cash it and at some point when it is discovered that it was created rather than purchased yours will be the only name they can find associated with it.

I work for a bank and we get alerts every day about fake monetary instruments that have been negotiated (or attempted to be negotiated). That's why banks are becoming so cautious about accepting pieces of paper that purport to be official monetary instruments. It's just too easy with our technology to make counterfeit checks any more.
What everyone failed to mention is this will also give them access to your account and routing number so they can clean out your bank account.
In the infamous words of Chris Rock, when clowning about lap dances and strip clubs: "There ain't never no sexy in the Boom-Boom Room! Don't let 'em fool you, no matter how much you make it rain, ain't no sexy in the Boom-Boom Room."
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