Criminal Law misdemeanor & naturalization

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New Member
Around December of 2003, I was 19 years old and was caught on a slot machine in a casino while waiting for a concert. As a result, I was charged with a illegal gambling misdemeanor and had to pay the fine of $500 in a Municipal Court later on. I am currently a permanent resident and am ready to apply for citizenship. Although my mind is set on admitting to the misdemeanor in the application, I am very much in doubt of what can happen along the process. Such as,

Would my application be deny for the lack of good moral character?
Is there possible deportation for what I've committed?
Will naturalization be permanently deny to me?

Please help.
You definitely should not lie or omit things in your application. That is much worse than having a misdemeanor on your record.

If this is your only conviction on the record you should not have any problems as long as the possible sentence for this crime was not more than one year in jail, which I guess it was.
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