Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication MIP while in a motorized vehicle...

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New Member
So earlier today I was in Corona Del Mar (beach city) with 2 other friends. Me and friend #2 were both drinking our own 24oz bottles of smirnoff ice just outside of friend 1's car (convertible). The smirnoff's were acquired at a local liquor shop using a fake id by friend 2. Friend 1 didn't drink at all since he had to drive. We get in the convertible with our smirnoffs about half full. Me in the back, and friend 2 in the passenger seat. We did not drink once we were in the car, we just held them. We're driving for about 15 seconds when we here sirens behind us and pull over into a parking lot and park. We were seen and reported to the cops about 5 to 10 minutes ago apparently.

The cops approach and i quickly re-cap my bottle and put it under the seat in front of me. Friend 2 puts his uncapped bottle down by his leg, to somewhat conceal it. The cops quickly figure whose been drinking and who hasn't. They search the car with consent and quickly find the 2 bottles. They then get all of our information, talk to all of our parents, and confiscate friend 2's fake ID. Throughout this process I remain calm, respectful, and obey the 2 officer's demands.

They detained friend 2, probably on a few suspicions. Firstly the fake ID card, secondly providing himself and I with alcohol illegally, lying to the cops about his age (he's 16 and said he was 19 haha, dumb choice..), and having a different name on his permit than the name he gave the cops (due to his father's bad handwriting). He was handcuffed and put in a squad car. Friend 1 (whose 18) and I were given citations and released. Friend 2 however was taken to juvenile hall (he's 16).

Few hours later friend 2 calls and tells me that all he got was 2 hours of alcohol classes, and he no longer needed to go to court.

Considering I was in a way better position than friend 2, i was wondering if theres anything I can do to get the same or even less of a sentence. Hopefully without going to court at all. Should my mother or myself call the juvenile center and talk to them?, and if so what should she say?

Thanks in advance. My court date is set to July 10th.
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