Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Minor possesion of Alcohol and other substances, what am I facing?

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I recently was pulled over by a police officer on my way back to school from the local taco shop where my friends and I occasionally get food from. The officer waited until I parked in the school parking lot to talk to us, and after discovering that we were not allowed to go off campus during lunch, he searched us, then asked to search my car, which I stupidly said ok to, and found an open bottle of alcohol, a hookah, two cigars, and around 3 grams of marijuana. The officer then wrote me a citation for daytime loitering, underage possesion of tobbacco, underage possesion of alcohol, and underage possesion of marijuana. I would not be so concerned, but I have a prior record. When I was 12 years old I had just moved to California from Chicago and got mixed in with the wrong crowd, and broke in to an apartment and robbed it. I am wondering what kind of sentencing I can expect in regards to this issue and what steps I can take to lessen it. I have recently completed a drug education program and 10 hours of community service and attended will attend 5 hours of AA/NA meetings before my court date. The main thing I am concerned about is whether these will remain on my permanent record even after I have turned 18, please advise!
What state are you in? California?

- Carl
Are you attending counseling and community service as a result of a sentence by the court? As a result of a "true finding"? Or is this a "diversion" program through the court, Probation, or some other community program?

If this is as a result of a true finding, then there will be a record of much of this but not at the state level unless you were fingerprinted and booked ... not too likely for the offenses you listed.

In the end, when you turn 18, you may petition the court to have your juvenile records sealed. That will keep it from being available to most public sources, but it will still be accessible to the state for certain considerations.

- Carl
My court date is on the 9th of next month, but I just finished this READI program as part of my school discipline which is a drug education course, I attended recently 5 hours of AA meetings, I am starting a 12 step program for drugs and alcohol, and I am working on 40+ hours of community service before my court date. I was not booked or fingerprinted, merely cited and given a court date. Do the majority of petitions to have your juvenile records sealed pass in california or does it mostly depend on the judge/ offences? I have thought about pursuing a career in law enforcement, and am wondering whether or not if my records got sealed would they still see it if they ran a background check for law enforcement or any other jobs. Thanks for your info by the way, I really need it.
Sealed or not, you will have to reveal this indiscretion ina peace officer background. None of these are legal disqualifications, and I doubt that given a few years they will be serious impediments to a career in law enforcement provided you avoid further legal scrapes and bouts with alcohol or drugs.

- Carl
Thanks, I was just worried about what affect this would have on my future career choices, ect. I'm trying to turn my life back around and I need to know where I will be starting from. Given this case, what kind of punishment will I recieve? I talked to an attorney yesterday and he said probably a year of formal probation and some service hours, but you seem to know your stuff and I always like a second opinion.
I'd say the fines, probation and community service are likely. Community service is part of the sentence for tobacco possession anyway.

- Carl
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