Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Minor DWI

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New Member
My 16 1/2 year old son received a DWI - First Offense and never been in any other trouble. He blew a .15 at the police station- not sure what he blew roadside. I am okay with him being fined/probation/community service - I just don't want this to affect him long term. Do I need to hire a lawyer for his court date or as a first offender, does he have a good chance at having this expunged off the record at 18 as long as he stays clean?
If your child were very ill, would you hire a physician or take him to the emergency room?

Of course you would!

Hire a lawyer or ask for a court appointed one, if you are financially unable to afford one.

You should also voluntarily get your child alcohol abuse counseling.

It will help him, and the court will see him accepting responsiblity for his illicit alcohol abuse and trying to fix his mistakes.

He needs to understand why he did this and how to stay sober.

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