Middle Man in a private car sale.

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New Member
I had an agreement that I would sell a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix GXP in fair condition with 128,000 miles on it. When we went in to this agreement he offered to pay me $500 to sell the car. We live in the San Luis Valley and I had asked him specifically, "if I have the car sold in Colorado Springs or Pueblo can I take it there?" He said yes and to do what I have to do to get rid of it. So I found a buyer in Colorado Springs to buy the car for $2000. I went there with the signed title and a signed bill of sale with blanks to fill in for name of buyer, date, price and signature. Nowhere is my name on anything. Anyway after it is sold I go home. Well my friend isn't happy with the price and that I took it to springs. So he says he wants the car back. I say no I'm not getting it back. He gets angry and tells me to just give our landlord, which is a good friend of his, $600 for the last of our rent and use the rest of the money to move back to springs. Then the whole day goes by and he calls me again and says he wants to meet me by the end of the day to get the bill of sale and that is all he really wants, he don't care about the money. He said that I had until the end of the next day to give it to him or he will call the police on me. The next day goes by with him threatening me all day. I tell him that I forgot the bill of sale in the guys car that I rode with home. That guy lives back in springs and won't be back up here for two more days. My buddy tells me to just have him go pick up the car. I say no. In the mean time my dad calls and says, your buddy stopped by our house this morning and said that he needs that bill of sale from you and that he doesn't care about the money. So I send my buddy a pic of the bill of sale and say I will get it to you when it gets here. So today the bill of sale is here, my buddy texts me and says that he wants $1700 and the title and then I will never hear from him again. So here's my predicament, I have spent most of the money because of what he told me. And all I have is a bill of sale now. What are my options? Am I legally responsible in any way for the money? And also this is a very small community and he has been telling everyone that I'm doing drugs and stole his car. Can I sue him for defamation because I have to leave and can't find any work? I have uploaded a picture of the bill of sale.
I had an agreement that I would sell a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix GXP in fair condition with 128,000 miles on it. When we went in to this agreement he offered to pay me $500 to sell the car. We live in the San Luis Valley and I had asked him specifically, "if I have the car sold in Colorado Springs or Pueblo can I take it there?" He said yes and to do what I have to do to get rid of it. So I found a buyer in Colorado Springs to buy the car for $2000. I went there with the signed title and a signed bill of sale with blanks to fill in for name of buyer, date, price and signature. Nowhere is my name on anything. Anyway after it is sold I go home. Well my friend isn't happy with the price and that I took it to springs. So he says he wants the car back. I say no I'm not getting it back. He gets angry and tells me to just give our landlord, which is a good friend of his, $600 for the last of our rent and use the rest of the money to move back to springs. Then the whole day goes by and he calls me again and says he wants to meet me by the end of the day to get the bill of sale and that is all he really wants, he don't care about the money. He said that I had until the end of the next day to give it to him or he will call the police on me. The next day goes by with him threatening me all day. I tell him that I forgot the bill of sale in the guys car that I rode with home. That guy lives back in springs and won't be back up here for two more days. My buddy tells me to just have him go pick up the car. I say no. In the mean time my dad calls and says, your buddy stopped by our house this morning and said that he needs that bill of sale from you and that he doesn't care about the money. So I send my buddy a pic of the bill of sale and say I will get it to you when it gets here. So today the bill of sale is here, my buddy texts me and says that he wants $1700 and the title and then I will never hear from him again. So here's my predicament, I have spent most of the money because of what he told me. And all I have is a bill of sale now. What are my options? Am I legally responsible in any way for the money? And also this is a very small community and he has been telling everyone that I'm doing drugs and stole his car. Can I sue him for defamation because I have to leave and can't find any work? I have uploaded a picture of the bill of sale.

Cool Internet story, dawg. Way cool.

LOL, you folded like a house of cards and admitted to spending, aka, stealing your soon to be former pal's loot. LOL

You're screwing yourself.
A TEN YEAR OLD car with 130,000 miles can never be in fair condition.
It's a clunker.
That remark alone says where this shady deal is heading.
What you've recited here is a classic drug addict, crackhead, meth freak play.
I suggest you get your affairs in order.
When the cops arrive to arrest you, your best play is to cooperate and remain silent.
Plead not guilty eventually, ask the judge if you qualify for public defender.
Cool Internet story, dawg. Way cool.

LOL, you folded like a house of cards and admitted to spending, aka, stealing your soon to be former pal's loot. LOL

You're screwing yourself.
A TEN YEAR OLD car with 130,000 miles can never be in fair condition.
It's a clunker.
That remark alone says where this shady deal is heading.
What you've recited here is a classic drug addict, crackhead, meth freak play.
I suggest you get your affairs in order.
When the cops arrive to arrest you, your best play is to cooperate and remain silent.
Plead not guilty eventually, ask the judge if you qualify for public defender.
Excuse me?!!!!!! I come on here and give an honest, descriptive and full story and all I get from you is a judgemental insult? I am actually a person who just moved back to his home town because he wanted to be away from the city and back in the country. Well the problem with having a degree in network security and cyber security is that there is not a demand for a network security analyst in these types of areas. So right now I'm doing what I can, odd jobs here and there to get my family and I back to the city where I can be making good money. So I would appreciate the proper consideration of my predicament. Oh and have you gone to Kelly blue book? I don't think you have. On Kelly blue book the lowest option to see what a car is worth at the worst is the condition of fair. I'm also beginning to think you don't know much about vehicles. The average car these days can run over 300,000 miles easily. Now I would appreciate it if you could either slow your role of being up on that high horse and read my post fully and answer it the right way or let someone else that has respect for other people do it. Thank you
Excuse me?!!!!!! I come on here and give an honest, descriptive and full story and all I get from you is a judgemental insult? I am actually a person who just moved back to his home town because he wanted to be away from the city and back in the country. Well the problem with having a degree in network security and cyber security is that there is not a demand for a network security analyst in these types of areas. So right now I'm doing what I can, odd jobs here and there to get my family and I back to the city where I can be making good money. So I would appreciate the proper consideration of my predicament. Oh and have you gone to Kelly blue book? I don't think you have. On Kelly blue book the lowest option to see what a car is worth at the worst is the condition of fair. I'm also beginning to think you don't know much about vehicles. The average car these days can run over 300,000 miles easily. Now I would appreciate it if you could either slow your role of being up on that high horse and read my post fully and answer it the right way or let someone else that has respect for other people do it. Thank you

Nah, I stand by my brilliant, exact, precise, honest analysis.

I'll now add in hard headed and long winded.

Practice being silent, you'll need to master that when the cops arrive to arrest you.

Checking yourself into rehab can sometimes make the judge feel pity for you and show you mercy at sentencing.

I almost forgot my favorite part of your tale of woe, the part where you admit to SPENDING most of the guy's profits. Yeah, crack head move, as Judge Mathis describes it. He's seen many of them in Detroit, too.
Nah, I stand by my brilliant, exact, precise, honest analysis.

I'll now add in hard headed and long winded.

Practice being silent, you'll need to master that when the cops arrive to arrest you.

Checking yourself into rehab can sometimes make the judge feel pity for you and show you mercy at sentencing.
That is just so brilliant. You are so brilliant. I appreciate the wasted time from you. I will respond back to this thread in about a month to let you know that I'm not in jail and that you were just being a POS.
That is just so brilliant. You are so brilliant. I appreciate the wasted time from you. I will respond back to this thread in about a month to let you know that I'm not in jail and that you were just being a POS.

Always happy to help, pal.
You got everything you paid for, and more.

Now go beg the guy you cheated not to call the cops. LOL

Never trust a crack head or a tweaker.
Always happy to help, pal.
You got everything you paid for, and more.

Now go beg the guy you cheated not to call the cops. LOL

Never trust a crack head or a tweaker.
Finally I got the answer I was looking for. Thanks for giving it to me. Here's the post of yours to another member on this site.

The car is legally his/hers.

That became a fait accompli after you foolishly signed the title over to him/her, despite the fact that she/he allegedly owed you $1,300!

Will Big Buck$ Bank or Leo the Loan $hark sign the title over to you before they are PAID IN FULL?

No, a resounding no, they do not.

You receive the title after you have paid off the loan.

Until the loan has been paid, they place a lien against the title.

You could have done that, alas you didn't.

You won't even prevail in a civil suit.

The "friend" has a clean title in his/her name to what used to be YOUR vehicle.

All you can do is prevail upon the good graces and conscience of this "friend" to pay you your $1,300.

I don't expect that to happen anytime soon, do you?

He/she has been in no hurry to date.

Besides, I'm sure that he/she knows what I've just told you.

They possess a clean title to what used to be your car.

She/he bought the car for $200.

You thought you sold it for $1,500.

You might get the $1,300 and pigs might fly!

Once the title is signed by both parties and the bill of sale is signed by both parties. It's like I wasn't even there. Both signatures on both documents prove that they did the deal in person. You stupid ass. Don't judge people without knowing all FACTS about them.
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