Message board "libel"

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I'm hoping you can all help me here. I am dealing with a very difficult, verbally abusive coworker who has a long history of doing the same thing at other offices( loud verbal abuse of the most non-confrontational coworker, alienating the patient base, refusing to compromise and cooperate, and some other generally obnoxious behaviors). I actively participate in a message board for our profession, and in frustration and to get support.....I told of her antics in great detail. I use a pseudonym and do not tell my location, and used a nickname to describe her also. She looked for the site(as is her right, it's not private...though I suspect but have no proof that she was looking to see what I'd written, not actually wanting to participate).....found it and "recognized herself" in the posts. The way the story unfolded is unusual, so I can certainly see how she figured it all out.
That said....she is now making veiled threats about "her lawyer advising her" to consider suing me for libel, and has told me "her lawyer has told her that I am to avoid her, not talk to her except in professional matters, not join in office chit chat when she is there", and loves to pick up her cell phone, look at me, and say "oh yeah, I need to call my attorney at lunch".
In trying to read online, I find both answers....yes, it's libel even if both of you were anonymous(only one site said that), and no, it's not libel unless the story is FALSE and there has been loss of income. As a single mom, it would be a hardship to have to retain a lawyer when she's most likely just using the "Attorney" bit to intimidate me....and is there even reason to? The stories are true, I have witnesses to the events, and people who would agree that this is STANDARD behavior for her. Oh, and she tattled to the boss, who panicked and asked me to delete the posts, which I did immediately.
Should I be concerned?
If what you wrote isn't false then this co-worker has no claim for libel. As it stands it sounds like she'd have a very tough case and would have to pay her attorney significant sums of money to prosecute. And then after your coworker prosecuted, what would damages be? Is it all worthwhile? Probably not and perhaps this is all just huffing and puffing.
Thank you....that's consistent with what I'm being told. However, there are issues in our office that have NOTHING to do with this, and she is bringing it up again. It appears that I'll most likely have to hire an attorney, even though it won't go very far. Sadly, it would be nice to be able to trust that the legal system in America would have common sense....but when people win millions for putting a cup that says HOT on the side between their legs and getting burned, or someone sues for "emotional pain and suffering" because a dry cleaner lost his pants(and it gets all the way to the Supreme Court)'s hard to believe that it'll all work out the way it should.
You asked "is it all worthwhile?" may be to a person who is vindictive and sincerely believes that the person they're suing is responsible for every problem. For some, the thrill of being "in control" of someone else and causing them stress is worth a few bucks.
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I agree completely with thelawprofessor and would add that she is most definitely just trying to feed on your fear of litigation. I would suggest not to feed her need any longer, but play her game back at her. You might accidentally on purpose let it slip that your attorney is preparing a case to submit to the courts for professional harassment and emotional badgering. Do not boast about it, but accidentally on purpose let it slip just in earshot of one or more of her friends, or if she does not have any, just in earshot of her. If you could have one or more of your friends let it slip out in a similar manner, they have been called into your attorney's office for a deposition. If she were to call your bluff, raise her, tell her your attorney would like to conference with her's and you need the name, unless you already have it. In that case you raise would be to state that your attorney has issued a order of silence to you and the witnesses and you can not speak about it, but she will be getting information via certified mail very soon you would expect.
Perhaps if this does not quiet her down, you may indeed need to seek legal services for the above mentioned charges.
Good luck, it is a shame on the human race that some of us can be such animals to others.
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