marshal eviction, lock-out, super removing property, before next court date

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New Member
On Wednesday June 30, my apartment was locked by the marshalls. I went to court and got an order to show cause... the judge gave me a court date for 7/7/10. I went back to the apartment to feed my animals..the super of the building trashed my apartment. He destroyed property and property is missing. I explained to him he was in the wrong, and he needed to leave my belongings alone. He stated the landlord told him to move everything out. I took pictures of the destruction that was done to my belongings. He took all of my meats out of the freezer, he went through things in the apartment, and now jewelry and electronics are missing. I went back on 7/4/10, and the super had my belongings piled up in the common hallway unsecured. I called the police and they told him he had to secure my things. He took them to the basement which is his apartment. I took pictures of the apartment on 7/2, 7/3, and 7/4. My question is; is this legal. Because we have a court date on 7/7/10 were my belongings supposed to be removed from the apartment, and if so wasn't it supposed to be done by the marshalls? Is there any legal recourse for me? From the way the apartment was tossed, I couldn't find alot of things that were in the dresser draws, like jewelry, phones, and ipods. Please advise. I am going to have the pictures developed on 7/6/10 to show the judge.
Tell your story to the judge
on 07 July.

You might want to engage a lawyer.

Otherwise, research the eviction process in your state thoroughly.

Make copies of your research.

Know your case, in order to argue it properly.

Ask for the proper relief.

Document everything that has been taken, broken, or is missing.

Make copies for the court, yourself, and the landlord.

Ask for relief.

Do you want money, back into the unit, or a combination of both.

You need not waste your time answering here, be prepared to answer in court.

It's my belief that you were treated improperly and suffered an illegal and premature lockout.

You will have to prove the value of your losses. You'll need receipts, pictures, anything that shows they were your things and you've been damaged.

Good luck, you appear to have a solid case. Don't blow it.

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Thank you for your assistance. I would just like to know what would I need to do in the instance of things that were received or passed down from family members. I don't have receipts or pictures. We are talking about antique vases from Germany that's old and was given by a family member who passed away. How about Iphones that belonged to my children, we don't have pictures and as far as receipts, I don't think those will be found because of the destruction that was done to the house. All of my paperwork was shrewed all over the floors and just destroyed. Pictures and everything! What am I supposed to do in that instance.
You make a list of everything that is missing, destroyed, or broken.

Your pictures will also help.

Provide whatever receipts(or proof) you have, and offer an explanation.

Be reasonable, don't claim rare pictures you couldn't afford.

Tell the truth.

You may ask for $10,000 and the judge will render a decision for $6,000. Without proof, it is hard, but not impossible.

The fact that the landlord had this done without you being present will hurt him.

There might also be punitive damages assessed.

Your day in court approaches, so be prepared. Bring witnesses who saw what happened. Neighbors could also be helpful.

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