maritial property????? Help

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My husband just asked for a divorce out of the blue, I'm trying to be "nice" and we have joint accounts and the house which is maxed out and just refinanced in Oct. I want him to have the house {he too) I take it I can't get my name off it without refinancing? What are some of my other options to remove me, quit deed ect? Please explain any options you tell me about so I can understand the difference. Also joint charge accts, where we decided on which one each of us will pay can, I'm a signer on one and I'm going to pay that bill do I call the company do they remove him or is it the account gets closed and by court decree I pay? Thank you.

P>S> He won't qualify alone to refinance can he ask his mom to co-sign even if she don't live in this state?
Whoever is going to keep the house should do the refi. If they do not qualify that might be a problem. The thing is, if you sign a quit claim, you are off the deed of the house but it does NOT remove you from the mortgage. So if he makes late payments, your credit is trashed. It will be up to him to find a co-signer, or the house should be sold.

If you 2 can work out which account to pay, be sure you put that in any temporary orders, so that if one of you defaults, they can be held in contempt.
And just remember that your creditors are not bound by the terms of the judgment in the lawsuit.
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