Lyme Disease

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New Member
I went to a meeting in January 2005 at the
Houses of Parliment where it was said the
CDC lab was closed in 2013 for antiquated
testing. It had been open since 1986.
This test was for Lyme Disease.
There is an epidemic in America and Europe
yet the UK staff seemed to think we were
Safe because we are an island.

The biggest carrier of Tick is Birds.
The birds have not learnt to avoid the UK
Just because it's an island.
Lyme has been under estimated both here in the UK
and the US.
Poor testing in the UK.
Many of us having positive tests done privatly.
Yet psychatrists get there claws in and still insist we are
mentally ill.
I was diagnosed 3 times by 2 US tests and one German test.
The last test was done in August 2014.
While the NHS test is negative.

The lab told me the test was much more broad spectrum regarding the german test.
I was treated for about 3 years on oral antibiotics.
I was moved t another practice and my notes went missing.
Between 2006 and 2009 I did have copies.
But they took no notice.
Told me I had not got Lyme..
My husband died in 2009 the next day I was covered in bites after sleeping on the sofa with my Two cat who were positive and very unwell.
The paramedics attened my home 3 of them I was told I had a high temperature and blood pressure.
They took me to my local A and E I was there for 3 days hardly able to breathe and fitting.
Then the A and E sent me to a psychatric hospital. Hardly able to walk and shivering.
I was told I was going to have a CDC test done at Southampton hospital.
If it was negative they were going to keep me and put me on psychatric
drugs. I had seen a infectus Diseases consult in 2006. He gave me a treatment program of oral antibiotics. However the American Lyme association said after one year I should of been put on IV.
The consultant refused.
The when the psychatrist asked him do you think she mad the infectious
Disease doctor said I think she is..
Even though I had been to a great deal of trouble going to a HPA meeting
With the staff at Southampton hospital.
I knew their test was not very good.
Despite the head of the lab saying their lab was the best.

It gone on to prove it was not.
I had mini strokes and fits and my hands turned blue the next day in 2012
They kept me and put me on section 3 for the second time.
My GP had put me on Lymerside but left the practic after I went to a private
Hospital I showed the doctor my test in 2011.
She said she didn't want to get involved with the NHS..

Then in 2012 I went back to the hospital toget a 2nd postive tests.
And again in 2014..
With the NHS doctors still in denial..
I have had some IV antibiotics privatly my consultant wrote a letter
To the A and E hospital but they refused.

I went to another hospital with the letter again I was refused.
They said I would have to pass a NHS test and have a spinal tap.
I tried another hospital the staff were Ok.
The South American lady doctor said she would give me a IV.
Only while I was there a doctor who works at both A and E departments showed up and told on me.
A male nurse said we only treat sick people.
I was wheeled to my car hardly able to walk.
I the. Tried to get help at another hospital.
I went through 3 doctors to be admited I was told I would get IV antibiotics in the morning.
The manager appeared saying I was not sick I was to go home.
I could hardly walk.
He refused to except my test done in August 2014.
He said I should not be in hospital.

My GP has referred me back to the 1st hospital I went to in 2006.
I went to their A and e because my legs are red and swollen..
They said I had a Slighly rised D- dimer test.
That was 3 weeks ago..
I saw the infectious disease doctor he said I needed to see a psychatrist
He said if you stay on the ward. I am going to send them to see you.
He sent two I saw one about 11o'clock at night then
Another the next morning he gave a mail which my private Doctor at sent saying I had active Lyme disease. The psychiatrist gave it to the on call team who just ignored it.

I left the hospital after 6 days they offered me another test and a spinal tap.
I told them the lab had been closed.
But they took no notice.

I have been to another Lyme disease meeting I was told that spinal taps
Were a waist of time as far as Lyme disease is concerned.
Also body scans you are just exposing the patient to more radiation.
This is a potted version.
Public Health England sent me a copy of their test kit on the net.
It has 2 proteins missing and only tests for one the American and Europeans do this test is only 10% acurate.

The test should consist of A OSP and B Osp and sometimes C OSP
The UK test only uses C OSP and 17 OSP.
The Mod have been involved keeping an eye on things before now.
Gulf war sydrome is all part of it:
They made my life very unpleasant with the antispsycotics.
Lyme Disease causes a release of neurotoxins from tryptophan
And antidepressant increase that neurotoxin causing fits heart attacks and strokes. Which is what was happening only they told me it was psychological only it was not. I was falling and fitting:
There are 15000 catch Lyme in the UK per year it being misdiagnosed as many different conditions.
What help can I hope to get with this.
I have contacted several solicitors right from the start. It was not one insodence it been a serious of ongoing ones.
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