Looking to sue for Hippa violation cant find an attorney

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New Member
My wife worked at a methadone clinic in one town. Her Boss filled in at a clinic in another town and discovered that I was previously a patient there. No one...including my wife knew of my treatment so it in no way affected her work. She was there close to 5 years and had excellent reviews. Recenly she went to an as needed status and filled in at the clinic. When her Boss found out I had been a client he stated to all her co-workers that she was no longer allowed in the clinic and proceeded to tell them that I was a methadone patient. He has been spreading this around to her freinds/coworkers and incinuating that since I was a patient that she was the person responsible for taking money and drugs from the clinic in the past. It is damaging her reputation, she lost her job, and freinds because he violated my right to privacy about my treatment. Now my wife and children know and it is damaging my family. I want to be sure this doesnt happen to anyone else but dont know how to sue him for this. My treatment had nothing to do with my wifes employment or with her co-workers so they had no need to know.
Talk to a local lawyer.

What will he/she tell you?

That you can sue anyone for anything.

But, you have no case.


You have no proof.

Don't waste your time arguing about all the PROOF you do have.

Take all that PROOF to a local lawyer, and see what he/she tells you.

Besides, you can't sue anyone here, can you???

No, you can't.

You gotta sue (if you choose to sue) in a Florida courtroom.
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