Looking to start a business

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New Member
I'm looking to start a business and want to find out the least expensive, but obviously legal and professional way to register an business. Not sure if I need an LLC or INC.
I have heard of some online document prep places that I'd like to look into. Do any of you have any information on such companies? What they do, how much they cost, etc?
I appreciate your help,
My brother used one called mynewentity. He said it was very easy and he tells everyone about it. They figure out what you need, what's the best option, then they complete the paperwork for you, and you're good.
I don't remember the cost, but it couldn't have been too much, my bro's broke !
Hope this helps,
Hi, this is micheal,if you are looking for a business, you can start an SEO which is an Internet Marketing,choose it ,it is less expensive but you must require a good skills in internetmarketing.
That's a nice post.
People who wants to make money online by setting up any business at home should use the e-books and products for good guidance. This helps to improve the skills and know the proven tactics in business
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