Locations to Shoot Pellet guns/legal or not

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Hey, let me just start off by saying i have not gotten in trouble with anything, in fact im trying to prevent it. Me and a buddy of mine just recently bought a mid range to high end pellet gun, and were looking for places to shoot it, thats not gonna put anyone else in danger and is completely legal to do so at that location. Now we are both of legal age to own the rifle, but i my self am 18 and he is 19, out of school, and were trying to do this in the smartest way possible.Theres a few locations Im thinking of going to, but id like to clear up the facts from a lawyers point of view if this is legal or not. First was the woods, thinking right off the bat, to go deep in the woods at a well known bb gun/ paint ball range that most of the neighborhood knows of. Second was the woods by a lake which is clear open land that i can see if anyone is near the target area and is also not residential or heavily populated. Third and finally would be the closest to my house would be my local high school, now i know touchy subject between guns and high schools, however the school allows people to bring Archery and crossbows to their fields without present being of an advisor of the school, just not during school hours for obvious reasons. Any help with any of these locations would be good to set up a target and shoot a few, or any recomendations to where a good location would be would be great help. Trying to be safe not only for my self but for anyone else out there, one needs to think smart in todays world with all the teen gun accidents.
Stick to sanctioned areas, such as licensed target shooting ranges.
Different states have different laws.

In general, if you are using these on property that is NOT yours, you will need the permission of the property owner. And, you should check to see that it is legal according to state AND local laws in the area where you or the friend lives.

For instance, in my state, using and shooting these weapons is not generally unlawful. However, most cities have laws against using them within the city limits. Also, most state or federal lands may also have prohibitions against using them ... and, certainly, if you are on private land where you do not have permission to be you can be charged with trespassing.

- Carl
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