Life Insurance or Estate Beneficiary?

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New Member
I was divorced in West Palm Beach, Fl 13 years ago. As part of my settlement, the presiding judge decreed my ex-husband must provide a life insurance policy for $100,000 naming me as the sole beneficiary. I have now discovered that my ex-husband has failed to comply with the order. He has just recently notified me that because he is now unemployed he has no life insurance policy to provide me but in lieu of such, has named me beneficiary to $100,000 in his will and suggested he send me the relevant pages of his will as proof.

I am not satisfied with his response. I fail to see the correlation between life insurance policies and employment, and he should have had the policy during the past 13 years. In addition, he has remarried and I fear his wife may contest the will. We have very strained dialogue, and I don't feel secure with his "solution" and cannot afford to engage an attorney to ensure my right. Can I demand he purchase the life insurance policy in the amount of $100,000?

How best can I approach this issue and protect my interest?

Many thanks.
I'd like to add that I have no guarantee his estate in future would be large enough to provide the inheritance to me.

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