lien on property



We had a broken water pipe on our home under a bathtub. We filed a claim with our insurance company, by the time they sent someone out to assess the damage a little mold started to set in. we are not covered for mold under our policy. They are now denying to pay any part of the claim that was for mold damage. The company that claims they did the mold portion has now put a lien on our home. The company that is billing us is charging us for some of the same work that was paid on the construction companies bill that was paid to them. They in turn the mold company has placed a lien on our home. Can they do this? They are double billing and also charging for services that were not rendered.
If you believe you are being charged for something not provided your only remedy, if you can't get the other party to compromise is to take it to court.

Rest assured, the contractor has the right to place a contractors lien against your home if work was done and payment not tendered.

You can contest the charge in court, pay the charge, or seek a compromise.

The lien has no immediate impact, and limited long term impact.

Your home, especially in most states isn't at risk of being sold out from under you.

If, however, you sell it one day the lien will get paid out of any potential profits.

Good luck.