Library going to require ID to use computers

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My local library is going to an automated setup to reserve and use computers soon. This will require a library card which requires picture ID to get. I am homeless and use the computers daily and now i will be unable to get online since i cannot get a library card due to no picture ID or address. This is wrong. I want to file a lawsuit to stop this change and regain my internet use at library. This is happening in shelby county TN in the city of Memphis TN:mad: Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Did you speak to the library yet with regard to the picture requirement? I am sure that they would not want to intentionally exclude you and it is possible that you may be able to work something out without a lawsuit. What's your cheapest method if you really want to make a point? If nobody listens, go to the press - they will surely cover a story like yours. Good luck and let us know how things are going.
Ive been trying to get around this requirement for almost two years. They will not budge on it. This seems very dangerous to far behind is monitoring of internet usage? Shades of big brother...! They refuse to change this requirement for the homeless(like me and several others who use the library often) Quote ; "You need a library card now to use the computers. You need Picture ID and proof of address to get a card. Theres nothing we can do."
I can understand issues of taking books out of the library, but using the computers? Who have you appealed to in the past 2 years? I think you are probably best served by going to the press or up the ladder, hopefully someone will care. Filing suit in any court is challenging... it's a good question. The press might seize it earlier and hopefully some pro bono attorney might take up your plight. Are you in a major Tennessee city?
Yes,I am in Memphis TN. I will try contacting the press as you advise. Any pro bono representation would be welcome as i am indigent and homeless. This seems like a serious problem to me. I do not like the idea of automated tracking of internet usage since it is only a small step to monitoring how the public uses the internet and what sites we visit...who watches the watchers?
I don't know what "automated tracking of Internet usage" means but there are legitimate reasons for them to do so. I can understand that there is a desire not to have the library used as an untraceable way to send harassing emails, etc. Still, I don't know where this is coming from since your concern was in not being able to get a picture taken.
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