Legal representaion for TRO?

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New Member
Aloha, I am considering obtaining a TRO. We allowed family friends to live with us and have their mail redirected to our address. I am under the impression that this would lead us to file with family court. After 4 days, I had to ask the family to leave our home. This resulted in the mother screaming obscenities and tossing things around my kitchen while my two young children watched terrified. The woman has sent numerous text messages after I requested that I not be contacted. She made false claims about calling the police after they accused me of withholding their mail. She has emailed my husband (who is currently serving overseas) and many other friends trying to discuss the situation. I have all emails saved. I have text messages with her admitting to cursing around my children, calling me four letter words that make me blush, and telling me that she hopes I choke on my dinner. All aggressive and immature but not exactly threatening. In the text messages, she admits that she will probably try and contact me again. She also refers to my 2 year old daughter as a F'd up monster that needs therapy. They are moving into a house that is supposedly on our street, just a few houses down, and she told me that "if you don't want anything to do with me, then you might want to move". I am an active member in an online organization that she joined after the incident and texts were received. She has posted several things that have had to be removed. Things like I'm a miserable liar; nothing threatening. This organization involves activities where my children will be present and she has made it clear that she intends to show up at events I will be attending. Is this harassment on a level where a TRO will be granted to me and my children or am I wasting my time? If a TRO is appropriate, we do not know if we need legal representation. I am nervous attending a hearing without a lawyer present. Thanks in advance for any reply!
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