Consumer Law, Warranties Legal Age for Binding Contract

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New Member
My daughter signed a membership contract for a national tanning company. At the time she was 16 and was to turn 17 the following month. I knew she signed a contract for a 3 month period but did not know it had a stipulation that stated the contract would automatically continue after the 3rd month unless she cancelled in person.

I don't usually check her bank statements but this month I did. It appears they have been taking $49.99 per month over the past year.

Do I, being her mother, have any legal recourse in this matter.

Thank You!
Contracts with minors are voidable at the minor's (or the guardian's) discretion. Inform these con-artists that you wish to void the contract your under age daughter entered into. Notify them via phone call, certified letter (return receipt requested or FedEx overnight POD), and email. Keep accurate records and demand the return of all funds they illegally confiscated from your child. Tell them your lawyer advised you to void the contract.
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