Legal advice needed about an internet posting.

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Hello. I'm in Indiana.

8 years ago, my husband was looking for an old female friend of his that he went to school with for several years back in grammar school. The last time he actually saw her she was 8 mos pregnant, although he did speak to her on the phone after she had the baby.

Anyway, after we met and married, he was anxious to get back in touch with her. The phone numbers and addresses that he had on her were no good. He had no other way of getting in touch with her.

So, on his behalf and with his consent, he asked me to post an ad on a lost friend page for her. In this ad, I included her first and last name, her date of birth, her race, the general area of where she last lived (example westside of Los Angeles) and her daughters first name only (her daughter does not have the same last name) and age range.

He eventually did get in touch with her (using another internet search) and they were able to reunite via telephone. In fact, she even once mailed him a newspaper article (which we still have) of her daughter winning a prize.

Anyway, the point of the matter is a few days ago, I guess she was doing an internet search of her name and she came upon the site where we posted about looking for her. Now, she is completely up in arms and feels that her privacy has been violated because of the information that was provided on there. She called my house at 4:49 am (private name private number) to demand that I take it off that site. Once again, it was posted 8 years ago. When she called, I had no idea at first who she was and by the time, I had figured out who was on the other end of the line and what she was ranting about, she had hung up.

She then proceeded to email my husband to demand that he take it down. After doing research we found out that it was posted with an email address that we no longer have and even if we did have it, we have no control over taking it down. We explained to her that we do not own the site and that seeing how the information pertains to HER, she should contact the web owners to take the information down. We, also, pointed out that all of the information that was put in the ad was public information that can be found on a number of search engines. In fact, it was another site that provided me her date of birth and her last known whereabouts. She even went so far as to have the police call us and we explained to him what I just explained to you and he said that it wasn't a criminal matter. (Directly after this phone call, we received a hang up from a private name, private number.)

Anyway, now she is threatening further legal action.

It is notable to say that she no longer lives in the state that was listed in the post. It is also notable to say that the newspaper clipping that she sent, has more identifiable data about her and her daughter than what was posted. It has her full name, her daughter's full name, the school which her daughter attends and a picture.

Legally, did we do anything wrong? Also, it has been 8 years. Isn't there a statute of limitations on internet postings? Any help would be appreciated.
Tell her to bite big rocks.
You could contact the webmaster of that website and request that they remove her information since you have found the person and it no longer serves the original purpose of the posting. I am sure they will ask you to confirm your former email address and information which should not be a problem. Good Luck!
Did the webmaster say why they were unable to remove it? Try to get a phone number from them so you can explain the situation and hopefully soothe things a bit...Good Luck!
The response is that it won't be removed because the email address that I'm saying it was posted from (which by the way is even listed in the post) is not the same as it was originally posted from. Also, I was directed to a page for criteria for removal and this situation doesn't fit the criteria. It makes no sense. But seriously, after 8 years, I'm not about to argue with the webmaster or anyone else.
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