Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Larceny


New Member
North Carolina
I'm an Interantional student on an F1 visa. I was caught shoplifting today at JCPenny of merchandise worth 58$. It's a first time offense. I was given a ticket by the police officer and have to appear at the court 2 weeks from now. What will be the charges? Where can I get a lawyer to help me for free/less?
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Your status here in US is at risk so you need an Attorney familiar with both criminal and immigration law. If you wish to stay in this country I advise you to start consulting Attorneys
I am a Retail Theft Consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Your status here in US is at risk so you need an Attorney familiar with both criminal and immigration law. If you wish to stay in this country I advise you to start consulting Attorneys
Where can I get an attorney? And how expensive would that be?
I'm an Interantional student on an F1 visa. I was caught shoplifting today at JCPenny of merchandise worth 58$. It's a first time offense. I was given a ticket by the police officer and have to appear at the court 2 weeks from now. What will be the charges? Where can I get a lawyer to help me for free/less?

Please help me with a study for a book I'm writing about college educated, as well as uneducated thieves. My book is an effort to enlighten the world about "the child (or furry mammal) made me do it syndrome.

For participating in my study ANONYMOUSLY, you'll receive an autographed copy of my book when it hits the bookstores in 2020.

How many times did you steal in your country?
Were your parents proud of your accomplishments as a thief?
Do you "pleasure yourself sexually" after a successful stealing spree?
Are you naked, or clothed when "pleasuring" yourself?
Do you often daydream about stealing?

Complete these thoughts:

When I steal, I ___________________________.
I'd rather steal a(an) ________ than a(an) _________.
Stealing makes me ______________________________.
If I'm not stealing, I'm ______________________.
After a successful day of stealing, I often _______________________.
If I saw someone steal, I'd _______________________.
I want to ___________ before I'd stop stealing.

Why did you come to the USA to study and begin a career as a thief?
What's your major in one of our fine institutions of higher learning?
How many times have you stolen in our country, as a guest of our government?
What's the value of the things you've stolen from our wonderful US merchants?
Is stealing an admirable trait in your nation?
What punishment is given to thieves in your country?
Do you think you should punish yourself for becoming a thief?
What punishment is best to give a thief?
Do people in your country admire thieves?
Now that you've become a successful thief, will you continue stealing?
Are you proud of yourself for stealing?

At what age did your parents start teaching you to become a thief?
Do you aspire one day to become a safecracker?
When do you plan to begin committing armed robberies, or have you already reached such a lofty goal?

Thieves tell me that stealing is better than any sexual gratification, drug high, or self mutilation.
In your experience is that true?
Had you not been caught stealing from the innocent merchant, would you have come back to steal again?
How much will you steal today?
What exactly did you steal?

Has your MOST recent arrest quenched your thirst for STEALING the loot of others?

Which best describes your financial achievements as a thief?

I've stolen in my lifetime goods valued at:
Under $100
Over $100
Over $200
Way over $1,000
So much I can't recall
Hey, I'm a thief, we're liars, too, stupid!!!

When you next return to scene of your recent crime, how much do you plan on stealing?

Do you describe yourself as:
Absent any core values
A get 'em before they get me

After your most recent arrest, you stole again within ___ minutes.

I was ___ years old when I "liberated" my first item(s).

Have you ever taken candy from a baby?

Speaking of babies, 93% of all the successful thieves I've interviewed tell me they have molested three or more children under the age of 8 within the past 30 days.
How many children have you molested in the past 11 days?

Those I've interviewed tell me that within 20 minutes after molesting a child, they are compelled to kidnap and molest a child, or a small furry mammal. Within 30-45 minutes of molesting a child, (or small furry mammal) fortunately they must steal again. I've termed this behavior, "the child/furry mammal made me steal" syndrome, pyschologically because its not your fault.

So, which is more satisfying, stealing, kidnapping, or molesting?