My landlord, thinking he had no other recourse, has threatened to shut off our electric service, in order to remove 1 undesirable, (and actually dangerous) tenant. I've told him that I don't believe he legally has this right, (all utilities are included) but, he said he didn't know what else to do. He then served (via sheriff's deputies) a 30-day notice to everyone on the property. Reason stated was sale of the property. Yesterday was the 30th day and he came with a deputy who asked us why we were still here. On the 10th day of the 30day notice, landlord excepted another rent check from me, making me think all was well. The deputy looked at my cancelled rent checks from Oct. and Nov., but still said that if the landlord had to call him on Monday and tell him I was still here, he would, with some of his "buddy deputies" come back to forcibly remove me. I'm afraid of retalliation if I report this threat to the Dept., but who do you call when the protectors have become the bullies? My landlord came back after the deputy left, and told me had decided to allow me to stay until the first of the month. To me, using the police as thugs still amounts to harassment, and as a matter of principle, I want to teach LL and the deputy a lesson on how not to handle future tenants and constituants. Do I have a case for harassment and forcible eviction? Thanks