landlord says one thing but i feel like there is something more

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New Member
My boyfriend and i signed a year lease in march. My landlord comes to us a month later and says he is trying to help his friend out who happens to be a real estate agent starting out. he said he is letting the guy place our duplex in his portfolio so he may show his boss that he is trying to sell houses. my landlord swears he is not selling but i get the feeling i'm not getting the full story. if my landlord does sell is my lease agreement still valid? if it is invalid would my landlord be required to give us our money back that we put down?
What does your lease agreement say regarding notices of any kind by your landlord?
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my lease says leasor agrees not to sell property during the term of this lease w/o giving leasee 30 days notice and an option to terminate lease w/o any termination penalty. i can tell you now that if he were to come to me with that option i would have to tell him no i don't want to terminate my lease agreement so would there be anything else he could do to get me out?
even though the landlord never said anything in the beginning could he possibly have us kicked out? i'm on a tight budget and really can't afford an attorney right now, that's why i haven't gone to one before now.
Check with the American Bar Association chapter in your area for pro bono landlord/tenant attorneys. Good Luck!
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