- Jurisdiction
- Pennsylvania
My landlord wanted to do an inspection of repairs that needed to be done after a year of me asking to have things fixed. I was in real estate school at the time and into the third year of our 5 year lease. After the 5 years we were to get the mortgage. She texted and called non stop that she needed to find out about the mortgage because she didnt want to be a landlord anymore. She had just bought another house and new car and had no mortgage on the house we were renting. HELOC. She also complained about the sewer bill that wasnt paid that we were responsible for. She moved 3 times and we would occasionally get a copy in the mail. I asked several times about the security deposit interest and what bank it us in. She works at a bank. She also told ne before moving in she needed the security to get gates for the back yard. So i asked her how much interest we had on the $1450. He reply was not nuch since its only a 10th of a percent. I told her I banked at her bank for years and uts one percent daily and I thought in Pa when interest was to be in a high yealding interest bearing account , its at least 1%. When she told me she was putting it into a credit union and didbt want the rental acxount at her wrk anymore, i got suspicious. I said i would think youd hace to wait until the tear is up to change it due to the interest.i also told her its to be in a separate escrow account not the account I deposit the rent into. I told her she can't comingle the funds. She would text a week before rent was due just to make sure it was going to he paid on time. On the day it was due she'd text me saying its 3 and rents not in yet. Id tell her its not the end of the day and ill be doing it on my way home. Ive paid more late fees than i should of and didnt realize it until looking at the lease when she filed for eviction. Montgs prior to eviction, I asked if we could buy a hood for the stove and take off the rent because prior to move in the wall exhaust fan motor went and she promised to replace but didn't and we had an album size hole in the wall for 3 years until my husband patched it up. We were burning trough oil cause the heat was always on because of the hole. The fridge would also shut off if you bumped into it and we were told the day we moved in it would be replaced. That didnt happen for almost 3 years. I so after thectexting, tge showing up unannounced to get sometging out of the garage got old and annoying to the point of me paying rent 2 days late and told her to please stop the nagging. Lease states we had until 5th and no late fees until after the 10th. I got really suck and so dud my daughter who has asthma and deathly allergic to Penicillin. I could understand why her allergies all year were so bad and i started havi g migrainez for tge first time ever with vertigo and hairloss and brain fog. It was the strangest thing. House has mold on all three floors. We had an estimate but nothing in writing bevause the owner needed to do it. She refused then all of the sudden she needed to have her contractor come inspect the repairs that we were asking for. Tbe ti.ing was nad si ce my husba d haf jyst come home from hospital and rehab after foot and anjle anputation. She insusted it had to be di e i asked can it wait a few weeks since you've let it go this long ..so she said she'd let hersekf in. House us a ness we were gone al ost a montg its 7 pm homework, showers and dinner is cooking. She went through entite hoyse not what needed to be looked at. Next day were served court paoers fir recivery of property. Contractor was actually a handyman in a landlord tenabt disoute and needed to move. Si she won i appealled and then my husband next surgery was put off and his anputated site was still opened. I had to get him out so duri g the appeal i started moving things and she shows up with new tenant. I told her im moving hubby and daughter to family and when we decudecto nove out abd ckean ill let her know. 8 days later were all in the house packing up still and she changed the locks. I asjed hwr were the writ abd sheriff were abd told her to leave. She saud no you gave ne a forwarding address so you abandoned the property. I said im standing here so how is this abandonment? I keft in tears abd told ger ill be back thr next day abd every day until im do e or until she gets an orxer executed which still gives me 10 days after being served. This was January 8th. She said her tenant will allow me 15 minuted the next day. I called the cops they said its a civil issue go to court. The following day my e rire hoyse except the vasemevt was in trash bags in the snow mixed with beer food cigarettes and trash. My fathers ashes my wedding giwn, you name it was deztroyed and he stole akit too. All my dishes were smashed my china from my late mother in kaw and my kuds puctures.a few days later i get a letter that i need to get my belingings from basement out tgey were in garage. It waa begativec8 degrees abd cold. Abd all intrash bags. We couldn't do it. Stuff piled 10 feet high. I then ride by a week later and aeen the sheriff. Flagged him down and asjed fir the paperwork. It was ordered on the 4th of this montg which is February and giving me till the 18th. I went i to the garage and stuff was thrown out and a few tvs we know were stolen. We tolf new tenant to put back asap. It was tgere the next day. But enpty boxes were now there and somwtgings were smashed abd desreoyed. Im gou g tomirriw to get the 4 things i have left that i cab salvage. Wbat right did she gave abd can he be charged with theft and criminal mischief? I waztokd by tge police to file a civil criminal complaint or call the DA. Tge miney judgement is still un appeal. I spike ro a lawyer who sats my case is good in excess if 25 grand vut its $1000 retainer. I cant affird it wuth my husbands nedical issues plus rented equipment for medical and cable boxes were thrown out too. I owe my brother $5000 fir thexlian he took out fir me to move and im broke and have to start over. I dont even k iw where to start. Any advise woukd be great. I have pictures and text messages as well and still demanding my security. She git a lawyer and told her i have no case.