Kids with jobs and visitation


New Member
My daughter is 15 years old and she has job. The NCP is insisting that she has to take a week off of work to come and visit. She doesn't want to lose her job since she just started working to raise money for her a vehicle since he will not help pay for one. My question is can he make her go and visit and make her take a week off of work? He lives 500 miles away so it isn't like she could still work and go and visit. Please advise.
If the custody agreement says she visits for a week, she visits for a week. A summer job does not change that. She should have made clear when she was seeking a job that she would need that week free or looked for a job after she returned. While saving for a car is a good goal, her job is not necessary to support the family and even if she loses this job, it will not create a hardship such that a court might modify the agreement to allow her to continue working.
If your court order does not address issue it goes as written. If you want or need to alter this then you must return to court. Your child should have addressed this issue with her employer at hiring.
So technically he cannot "make" her go. However YOU are responsible for making sure that the court orders are followed as written and you could be held in contempt.
Agree; if the court order says she is to visit, then you must follow the order whether she has a job or not.