Assault & Battery Just a good kid with a bad mistake

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I am native to Baltimore but am being charged in PA
I met a girl on myspace (where legally in the T&C on the site you MUST be at least 14) and she had told me she was 16, I had just turned 19.

We ended up having sex consensually.

It was her idea, she paid for the hotel room and for the gas to drive up to see her, as well as offered me $600 if i came and saw her again.

I had stopped talking to her and I received a call stating that I had a warrant out for my arrest, and that the girl turned out to be 13,almost 14 at the time of the event(this was in january the following year) while I lived in CA at the time for school.
I flew home immediately with court permission and turned myself in, I posted a $25000 bond for a no contact term while we prepared for trial.
After paying almost 30k into a lawyer and only getting little response besides a discovery, I received a plea for 5 months in county as opposed to up to 2 years in a state penn if i lose at trial. I am being charged with Unlawful contact with minor,corruption of a minors mind, sexual assault and stat rape.

under PA law mistake as to age is not a defense Even though she openly lied and broke a legal contract to join the site on which we met in the first place.

I have until april 20th to decide my fate.
Is it worth the risk?

Can someone please advise me on this, I just finished school and have a 2 month old son with my fiance.(the event was before her)

Please no hatefulness. I'm opening up here for help because I'm not a bad person and I have made a mistake.I need help, and I feel my options are running out.
How did you come about being charged? I mean, who told the police?

This is a severe situation, 30K is a huge amount, even for a felony. If you have questions about your lawyer, you may wish to speak to another attorney about the specifics. Carrying around a sex offender tag for the rest of your life is not a cool way to go.

I know of someone in a similar situation (clinton county, Michigan) who ended up pleading down and getting 90 days in jail. Problem is, he was a teacher, and now that teaching certificate is useless.

Good luck to you, just, more information would help us help you a little bit better.

Ask your attorney if this offense is eligible to be expunged in 5 years after conviction.
the girls parents apparently got wind of the event(where were they when it occured and why did they wait 5 months to go to police?idk) and they pressed the charges.

If i end up on a registry, my life would be over.
I have never been arrested before and the first would be the worst.
I have a 2 onth old son which this could prevent me from contact with him as well as dictate where i live,work and breathe basically.

my lawyer said with my ties with the governor he might get it pardoned, but this level of felony can not be expunged.

how do you think a jury would take this case
. . . I advise you to get the advice of another attorney. Are you getting attorneys from around the region of the offense? I mention this because talk of getting a pardon is . . .well, kind of stupid and lazy.

Your life won't be over if you are on the registry, it will just be more difficult.

As far as juries go, they aren't told what your punishment will be. They are there just to assuage if you are guilty or not. Many jurors, questioned later, have said there's no way they'd vote guilty if they knew the punishment. Similar situation.

My advice is, research the area and talk with 1 or more lawyers.

Good Luck, I feel for you.
Ignorance of the minor's age is not a defense. There are several possible crimes here some Federal offenses. You need a Lawyer and bad! Do not talk to Police until you have spoken with an Attorney.
I have talked to my lawyer and he said that we have exhausted all possibilities and its my choice to take the 5 in county or go to trial and take the risk of up to 2 years in state.

I was told that i'd be able to do work release so that way I can still support my family the best I can.

My lawyer also told me that he had a case similar before and it did not end with the kind of deal i'm getting.

I was thinking maybe they offered the plea because they might lose in trial or that they're bluffing and just trying to get a sentence out of me.
Nobody on this site will ever really know as much as you do, thus we'd have a hard time giving you the best of information.

I DO think you should consult with another attorney. I think you should find out if a conviction means you will lifelong be a "sex offender."
Nobody on this site will ever really know as much as you do, thus we'd have a hard time giving you the best of information.

I DO think you should consult with another attorney. I think you should find out if a conviction means you will lifelong be a "sex offender."

Oddly enough I don't find out anything;whether I'm eligible for work release or if I'll be on the registry until I go in for sentencing and they do a psychological eval on me to deem if I'm a predator.the judge could even decide against my plea and give me longer if he wants.the court hasn't given me the best options for getting my affairs in order but they at least gave me 16 months of paying for cross country plane tickets for hearings and worrying at every moment since.don't they legally have to resolve my case in one year?
You need to start talking to a Lawyer pronto!! You have already self incriminated here. You ar elooking at life altering consequences here. Talk to a Lawyer today!! Be sure to show this Lawyer your posts here as well. Fact they want this psych evalu does not paint a very rosey future for you
You need to start talking to a Lawyer pronto!! You have already self incriminated here. You ar elooking at life altering consequences here. Talk to a Lawyer today!! Be sure to show this Lawyer your posts here as well. Fact they want this psych evalu does not paint a very rosey future for you

I have a lawyer,as stated in my original post.he was recommended by our close family friend who owns a bail bonds company.I have character references from him as well as two sheriff deputies both speaking in my favor.
In favor of what? A child was raped theres no way around that!! Ted Bundy had a College degree and his friends and family all thought him wonderful. Your not taking this serious enough!! Prison and lifetime registration as sex offender is a very real possiblity:yes:
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